
The ultimate secrets to good copywriting for the digital age

Copywriting is not that ancient an art, but the motive behind it has always been ancient, rooted and inherently human. Observing human beings, and internalising nuances, ideas and actions, and pouring an insight out of it is what leads to good copywriting. But there is more, and as a digital marketing service in Toronto, we are here to share a few secrets of our own.
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1. Don’t be afraid to use cliches

Cliches might be cliches but in the world of social media marketing and digital marketing, never, never be afraid to use something that has already been used. When we say already been used, we mean not the content and the quality of your work, but the feelings, emotions and insights behind it. People like to change and they like consuming ever-changing content, but above all else is the idea and the process of catharsis, the underlying cause of which might still stay the same.  As a copywriter, you can bank on it!

2. Use powerful language

As a digital agency from Toronto we can tell you that words have the power to make you or break you. The construction of your sentences and the way you use your words create all the difference. For instance, using power words is always a great idea. The words you use in your copies can always have a huge impact on people. The idea is to make them “feel” something. Ignite an emotion, strike a chord, inculcate the feeling of belonging to the brand.

3. Less is more

The beauty of copywriting is, you can say so much with so little. For instance, this ad by Apple. The creative agency behind this ad meticulously used just three words to describe a feeling, a series of features and above all the brand called Apple. macbook That being said, use the power of fewer words to say more. The aspirations of human beings are built upon the idea of dreaming, imagining and seeking comfort in the fact that there exists some kind of scope- for growth, improvement and movement. And as a digital marketing agency in Toronto, we can tell you that build upon these pillars and leave something to the imagination.
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4. Seek insights outside

The world is not just your oyster, it is also your experiment. Use it. As a digital marketing service in Toronto, we make sure that all our copywriters get the time to research, observe and understand the audience that they are dealing with before and while writing. This is because in people exists the power to make and break and it is in people that exists the power to be humane. The everyday nuances that come out of people, the reactions, the way they move, the way they speak, everything amounts up to something, and in between all of this, you might end up finding a heart-warming, accurate insight

5.Don’t ever post the first draft

The first draft should never be your final draft. So, while focusing on that, no matter how great a digital marketing agency you work at, or how good a copywriter you are, you are bound to miss out on technical details and make grammatical errors.  As a digital marketing service in Toronto, we cannot stress enough on the power of proof-reading.  Read, re-read, rewrite, delete and write it again, till you have the perfect draft, even though in social media marketing, no draft is perfect, but you can try to get close right?
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6.Develop a unique style and tone

We believe, and very strongly that every copywriter needs to develop and write using a unique style and tone. There is content all over the internet put forth by various brands, digital agencies, creative agencies etc. but not all of them stand out.
Copies with a life of their own, an understanding of the audience and most importantly with a unique style and tone of its own are sure to leave a lasting impression on its readers.
Find your style and don’t be afraid to experiment.
Before we leave you to try these tips, as a digital agency we believe that it is our responsibility to tell you the difference between copywriting and content writing.
The major difference between copywriting and content writing is the purpose of both. Copywriting is selling your personas on your brand while content writing is imparting information. Copywriting is all about the art of selling people on an idea, grand, or ideology while deriving necessary insights from daily life. So, you are not just a writer, but a salesperson too!
With this piece of information acquired over a long period of time by trial and error, all we have to say is that as a top digital marketing service in Toronto, we value and appreciate a good copy, always.

Looking for these services, and much more? Get in touch with WeBeeSocial, Canada today itself for a rich and creative digital experience.

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